Friday, 5 March 2021



LI. To explain what you have to do when there is an emergency

This PBS4L DLO it tells you what to do in a emergency like a fire. For this DLO I worked collaboratively with my friends and we helped each other write. This task was fun to do because it will be helpful for people that wouldn't know what to do in an emergency. In this slideshow I tells you about what to do when you want to go out of the class, what to do when the teacher calls the emergency roll and many more important facts that will help you and everyone else stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. A great example of collaboration Leitu. You have shared important messages about making sure your teachers know where you are. I particularly like the important point you shared about a fire emergency. You are 100% correct, nothing is more important than peoples' lives so you definitely don't need take anything with you. Well done.


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