Friday, 28 June 2019

skimmimg reading/T2W9

LI: to skim a text for the topics
this week for reading i did skim reading.skim reading is like reading only first one or two sentences in each section or paragraph.and my flipgrid that tells what i have done in my skimming reading.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

different kinds of cats/T2W8 to learn to know kind of cats in real life.

this show you All About different kind of cats.
it to know that you have seen these staff because it important to learn.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

maori/seasonT2w7 learn the season te Reo maori.

The word for seesons in maori is tau.
spring, summer , Autumn and winter also have their own words.we used the Te Ara website
to learn theses words.